Wednesday, October 31, 2007

J2EE for Beginners

Hi everybody,

I’m glad to welcome the viewers and experts to my blog.

I’m an SME (Subject Matter Expert) working for a reputed e-learning concern on J2EE.
My motto is to educate the learners about J2EE comprehensively and effectively from scratch.
I’m looking forward to your valuable suggestions and comments to give the best output to my learners. As an initiative, herewith I’m providing the lesson list of J2EE.

The lesson list covers the basics of J2EE, Servlets and JSP in the first phase. I’m planning to add EJB, RMI, JTA, XML and Web Services in the second phase. Finally I will add JNDI, Java Mail, JMS and JMX in the third phase of J2EE.

Your comments on these segments and the lesson list are gladly welcome.

Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Phase-I)

Part –I: Fundamentals of J2EE

  1. History of J2EE
  2. What is J2EE
  3. Why we need J2EE
  4. Course Objective
  5. Setting up the Environment

Part –II: Overview of J2EE

  1. Architecture of J2EE
  2. Components
  3. J2EE servers
  4. J2EE Application Scenarios
  5. Benefits of J2EE
  6. J2EE Platform services
  7. Deployment and Security
  8. Overview of Service Technologies
  9. Communication Technologies in J2EE

Part –III: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Introduction to JDBC

Chapter-1: Types of JDBC drivers

  1. Type-1 and Type-2 Drivers
  2. Type-3 and Type-4 Drivers

Chapter-2: Making a Connection

  1. Driver Manager
  2. JDBC Connection
  3. Database access through JDBC
  4. Creating and executing the Statements
  5. Connection pooling

Chapter-3: SQL – An Overview

  1. Introduction to SQL
  2. DDL and DML
  3. Statement and PreparedStatement
  4. Callable Statement
  5. ResultSets
  6. Joins and its types
  7. Outer Joins
  8. JDBC APIs

Part –IV: Java Servlets

Chapter-1: Overview of Servlets

  1. Need for Servlets
  2. Life Cycle of an Servlet
  3. Creating a Servlet.
  4. Deploying a Servlet
  5. Deployment Descriptor

Chapter-2: Servlet APIs

  1. Servlet Request API
  2. Servlet Response API
  3. Servlet Context API
  4. HTTP Servlet
  5. HTTP Servlet Request API
  6. HTTP Servlet Response API
  7. HTTP Session API

Chapter-3: Request and Response Headers

  1. HTTP Request and Response Headers
  2. Common MIME types
  3. HTTP Status Codes

Chapter-4: Servlet LifeCycle APIs

  1. Lifecycle events
  2. ServletRequest and ServletContext Listeners
  3. HTTP Session Listeners

Chapter-5: Session Management

  1. URL Rewriting & Hidden Form field
  2. Cookies
  3. Example application using cookies
  4. Session Tracking using Servlet Session API

Chapter-6: InterServlet Communication

  1. Request Dispatcher and HTTP Redirect method
  2. Servlet Chaining

Chapter-7: Advanced Concepts

  1. Exception handling in Servlets
  2. Servlet Filters
  3. Sample Implementation of Servlet Filters
  4. Thread safe Servlets

Part –V: Java Server Pages (JSP)

Chapter-1: Overview of JSP

  1. Introduction to JSP
  2. Life Cycle of JSP
  3. First JSP
  4. JSP APIs

Chapter-2: Components of JSP

  1. Scripting Elements
  2. Implicit Objects
  3. Page Directive
  4. Include and Taglib Directive
  5. JSP Actions

Chapter-3: JavaBeans in JSP

  1. Using beans in JSP page
  2. Accessing and Setting Bean Properties

Chapter-4: Custom tags in JSP

  1. Introduction to Custom tags
  2. Tag Handler
  3. Tag Library Descriptor
  4. Illustration of simple Custom tags
  5. Types of tags

Chapter-5: Design Patterns

  1. Introduction to Design patterns
  2. Model View Controller Architecture.
  3. Power of JSP in Real world.

Part –VI: Sample Application using J2EE

Part –VII: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

Chapter-1: Overview of EJB

  1. Introduction to EJB
  2. EJB Architecture
  3. Types of Beans
  4. Benefits of EJB